Лано Крит Aesthetic experience

The painting depicts Berthe Morisot's mother, Marie-Joséphine, and her favourite sister, Edma Pontillon. Since the beginning of their artistic career, the two sisters had learned their art together. However, in 1869 her sister got married and gave up painting at the insistence of her husband. In this painting, Edma was pregnant with her first child.
Unlike her friend Édouard Manet, who found it difficult to get his works accepted, Morisot w... Continue reading...

admin Aesthetic experience

Van Gogh returned to Paris in April 1889 for an extended stay with his parents.[61"> He continued to draw, often using his neighbours as subjects. In August 1881, his recently widowed cousin, Cornelia "Kee" Vos-Stricker, daughter of his mother's older sister Willemina and Johannes Stricker, arrived for a visit. He was thrilled and took long walks with her. Kee was seven years older than he was and had an eight-year-old son. Van Gogh surprised eve... Continue reading...

Emotions: Passion , Equilibrium , Violet , Igloo , Beasty